Dental Cleaning

Dental cleaning involves the removal of plaque – sticky, bacteria infested film – and tartar deposits that build up on the teeth over time, using a specialized instruments that are gentle enough to avoid harming the tooth or the gum tissue.

You teeth are continuously bathed in saliva that contains calcium and other substance to strengthen and protect the teeth. Although this process is a good thing, neglecting your oral hygiene can cause the calcium deposits to build up around the teeth, like lime scale in a kettle. Usually the calcium build up is tooth coloured and can easily be mistaken for part of the teeth, but it may also vary from black to brown in colour. If the build-up is allowed to continue on the teeth, it will create the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive next to the gums.

Dental cleaning (which may also be referred to as scaling and polishing) involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the tooth surface and the gum area. Ideally, after this dental cleaning appointment, the bacteria in the pockets of the teeth will be removed and in the next few weeks the gums should become healthier if the person is doing oral hygiene every day.

The professional cleaning of teeth is a crucial part of good oral hygiene and is needed periodically to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Most dentists recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned every 6-12 months to reduce the likelihood of periodontal disease progressing. In between routine cleanings, good oral hygiene at home is vital to prevent tarter build-up and gum disease.